Business Context > Use Cases

Use Cases

The use cases below illustrate how the actors interact with the CDR FHIR interface to retrieve data. The primary actors for all of these use cases are healthcare providers; as the solution develops access will be expanded to include patient access via a patient portal system, but the initial use cases focus on healthcare provider access.


Participant Type Description
Point of Service (PoS) System System A software application used by healthcare practitioners or service providers for viewing or managing personal health information (PHI).
acCDR Repository System An Ontario Health digital health solution that supports sharing of acute and community care data among health care practitioners.
Health Care Practitioner Human A person, typically a licensed healthcare provider, who interacts with PoS systems to provide care to a patient

For brevity, other actors involved in the orchestration of complementary EHR services, including identity management, authorization and authentication are not included.

UC-01 Health Care Practitioner Searches for Encounter records


  • Health Care Practitioner
  • acCDR FHIR Server
  • PoS System


A Health Care Practitioner uses the clinical viewer or PoS system that has access to CDR repository to search for encounter records for a patient and other search criteria. The CDR repository returns the matching records for the practitioner to view.


  • Patient visits a Health Care Practitioner for consultation and/or treatment.
  • Health Care Practitioner is logged into the clinical viewer or their PoS system.
  • The Health Care Practitioner/HIC has the legal authority to search for patient health information based on the principle of implied consent.

Primary Flow

  1. Health Care Practitioner searches for the encounter records for a specific patient using the patient identifier (HCN or MRN) or other search criterias.
  2. acCDR process the query. If the query is valid, CDR Repository returns the matching records if they exist.
  3. Health Care Practitioner reviews the list of encounter records matching his search criteria.

Post Conditions

  • None.

Alternate Flows

  • None

UC-02 Health Care Practitioner Searches Clinical Documents from acCDR


  • Health Care Practitioner
  • CDR Solution
  • PoS System


A Health Care Practitioner creates a clinical document in a patient’s chart using their PoS System. The information is then optionally reviewed and approved by the Health Care Practitioner, and centrally stored so that other authorized Health Care Practitioners may have access to the patient’s health information.


  • Patient has a visit with a Health Care Practitioner for consultation and/or treatment.
  • Health care practitioner is logged into their HIC’s PoS System and enter information in a clinical document.
  • The Health Care Practitioner/HIC has the legal authority to collect, use, and disclose patient health information based on the principle of implied consent.
  • Patient must exist in PCR in order to retrieve their documents
  • Documents must have been submitted by PoS without any business rules validation errors (e.g. invalid providers)

Primary Flow

  1. Health Care Practitioner uses the HIC’s PoS system to enter relevant information into a clinical document.
  2. Health Care Practitioner optionally reviews and approves the new clinical document.
  3. PoS system sends the clinical document to acCDR FHIR interface.
  4. acCDR adds the new clinical document to the repository.

Post Conditions

  • The new clinical document in the acCDR is available for authorized access.

Alternate Flows

If, upon review prior to submission, the Health Care Practitioner identifies that changes need to be made to the clinical document, the Health Care Practitioner does not submit the document and the use case restarts at step 1.