[DRAFT] GP Connect (Patient Facing) Access Record - FHIR API

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.

Data model labels used within this guidance

The guidance is for most standard use cases of presenting elements in consumer applications (envisaged to be implemented for mobile interface).

The guidance does not prohibit other specific use cases, but appropriate assessment is encouraged. Furthermore, it may be updated in the future to be more specific to known use cases. Support from the programme team will be available to consumers with alternative use cases to assist them with understanding the available data and applicability to alternative presentation. This is to provide appropriate information from which consumers can make their own hazard evaluations and develop their own clinical safety case.

Each element will have two associated headings:

  1. Safe to display to patient/citizen.

  2. Useful to display to patient/citizen.

Safe to display to patient/citizen
Icon Safety rating Further information
High Advised to be shown via Patient Facing Services (PFS).
Medium To be used/displayed with caution via PFS. This is not meant to reflect the significance of the element - there may be elements that are highly important to use. The use with caution icon should not be a deterrent, but to state there is great significance on guidance that should be followed to ensure it is viewed safely and not creating user (patient/citizen) hazards.
Low Not advised to be shown via PFS.

Useful to display to patient/citizen
Icon Recommendation Further information
Recommended Useful to display for the end user (patient/citizen) via PFS.
Not recommended Not useful for the end-user (patient/citizen) via PFS. For example, there are elements that will have no meaning or have any merit in being displayed but are safe. Some elements are just entities that link data together.

Intended audience

This section describes the type of audience that the section or page is targeted at (if any). Where none is stated then the page should be seen as a general page for every reader.

Audience Description
Clinical Someone who is reviewing the implementation guide from a clinical perspective, including clinical safety, clinical pathway and informatics; as a clinical professional involved in initial implementations or further roll-out approaches.
Business Someone who is reviewing the implementation guide from a business process perspective; as a business analyst looking into workflow and the impact on existing business processes.
Architect Someone who is reviewing the implementation guide from an architectural perspective; as a solution architect looking into how this implementation will fit in with existing systems and interfaces.
FHIR Someone who is reviewing the implementation guide from a standards perspective; as a person with FHIR knowledge involved in reviewing the implementation guide for compliancy with the FHIR standard or alignment with other FHIR implementations.
Developer Someone who is reviewing the implementation guide from a development perspective, the developer who will be coding or involved in the building of the API or system.
Other Someone looking into the contents of the implementation guide for any other reason, for example as part of their education or a research project. This type of audience is implied and not shown in the table below.

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