[DRAFT] GP Connect (Patient Facing) Access Record - FHIR API

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.


Documents - data model

Note - Documents will not be sent if they have not been reviewed by the Practice. Additionally, Consumers may wish to express the same statement to patients / citizens using the Patient Facing Service.

Patient Facing Services incorporates the GP Connect data model, this contains guidelines on how Providers need to populate each of the FHIR resources. It is advised to read the data model first, to understand how this is being populated by GP clinical systems.

The relevant profiles in the data model are as follows:

However, not all clinical information stored on GP systems may be safe to display for the end user (patients / citizens). This guide is intended to help Consumers understand what is clinically safe and useful to display via PFS from the GP Connect data model. Please see the PFS recommendations below.

PFS recommendation

  • Safe to display to patient / citizen - With a safety rating of 'High', 'Medium' or 'Low'.

  • Useful to display to patient / citizen - With a recommendation of 'Recommended' or 'Not recommended'.

For example, the element 'Id’ has a safety rating of ‘High’, meaning it can be shown via Patient Facing Services (PFS). However, we believe it may not be useful to display 'Not Recommended' for the patient / citizen. It’s worth noting, there are elements that will have no meaning or have any merit in being displayed such as ‘Id’. For example, some elements are just entities that link data together.

For further information on the labelling please visit Data model labels used within this guidance.

Document reference

Element Safe to display to patient / citizen Useful to display to patient / citizen

Document binary

Note - 'Document binary' is not part of the Care Connect version, it is simply added to give context and TO DO

Element Safe to display to patient / citizen Useful to display to patient / citizen

Further information

Note - Not every element will have further information. Further information is to simply give additional context and perspective to the element.

Document reference


Not advised for PFS

Further information

The element has values consisting of 'current', 'superseded' and 'entered-in-error'. The 'entered-in-error' and 'superseded' are not available. Displaying just the ‘current’ value will have no significance or can be misinterpreted by the patient / citizen.


Further information

This element is a CodeableConcept, it is advised to use the original term text as your primary clinical term. For more information on 'Processing data from a CodeableConcept', specifically section 'Original term text' then please visit -



Further information

This key element is the link where the document is obtained. Please carefully consider how the link is represented. A title element is not provided to be utilised as a name placeholder.


Further information

It is encouraged to utilise the ‘content.attachment.size‘ element when appropriate. It may be useful information to know, especially if the user is using mobile data to download a document.


Further information

It is recommended using the ‘content.attachment.title’ to assist a user in the scenario of when a document is not available and to give reason as to why. For example, where a document is over the size limit supported by the API.


Further information

Displaying the element alone will have no meaning to the patient. This is not advised and may cause more confusion than benefit to the user. If a clear business case is portrayed, then this can be utilised in conjunction with other information to represent information free from ambiguity or confusion to the patient / citizen.


Further information

This element is a CodeableConcept, it is advised to use the original term text as your primary clinical term. For more information on 'Processing data from a CodeableConcept', specifically section 'Original term text' then please visit -



Further information

Displaying the element alone will have no meaning to the patient. This is not advised and may cause more confusion than benefit to the user. If a clear business case is portrayed, then this can be utilised in conjunction with other information to represent information free from ambiguity or confusion to the patient / citizen.

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