Profile on Organization
Defines the data structure for medical regulatory and technical organisations specific for german Healthcare and Telematics Infrastructure.
R4 Active DE National
Profile on HealthcareService
Defines the data structure for medical regulatory and technical organisations specific for german Healthcare and Telematics Infrastructure.
R4 Active DE National
Profile on Practitioner
An instance of StructureDefinition
R4 Active DE National
Profile on Endpoint
Endpoints for applications in the gematik Directory
R4 Active DE National
Profile on PractitionerRole
An instance of StructureDefinition
R4 Active DE National
Profile on DocumentReference
An instance of StructureDefinition
R4 Active DE National
Profile on Medication
Defines the medication resource for the Medication Service in the ePA system.
R4 Active DE National
Profile on Location
Defines the data structure for medical regulatory and technical organisations specific for german Healthcare and Telematics Infrastructure.
R4 Active DE National
Profile on Immunization
Representa um imunobiológico administrado em campanha vacinal (Portaria Conjunta SAES SVSA SEIDIGI Nº 25 de 27 de Novembro de 2023).
R4 Active BR National
Profile on Patient
A Patient profile describing the woman who is or was pregnant as defined by BabyConnect. The pregnant woman a FHIR patient is the core of each pregnancy.
STU3 Active NL National